Clocktower Ku-ku

Dear friends, I would like to ask for your help with a project I am planning for this year's Burning Man.
The project is to build a clock tower that will tell passers-by the current playa time... Approximately. It will probably look nothing like what is pictured to the right, and may even be blown away bu the first big gust of playa wind. But this will be the direction I will aim for.
Now no clock tower would be complete without a chime, or in this case, a Ku-Ku. Since actual ku-ku's are prohibited by Burning Man's "no pet" policy, the role of a ku-ku will be played by a set of speakers connected to a smartphone which will tell the time out loud at random points during the day.
This is where you come in - I would like to ask people to record, edit, or otherwise obtain, short sound clips that tell the time. It would be you telling the time, or a soundbite from some movie or radio program. It could be as short as five or ten seconds, or as long as a minute. Altogether, I'm looking to get about 20 - 30 clips, mostly for times during the day and evening, when it's more likely that people will be around the camp. But a few night-time clips may work as well.
It would be great to get some of these clips from people all over the world, and in various languages. (If the clip is in a language other than English or Russian, please let me know what time it announces!)
Please send these clips to me in .mp3 or .wav format (or whatever else works for you) via email to Make sure to put "[KU-KU Clock]" at the beginning of the email subject line, so I can easily filter these messages.
Some examples of what I'm looking for could be:
- "The current playa time is around four-twenty"
- "This is Robert from London. The time is six 'o clock. Have some tea"
- "It's ten PM. Do you know where your children are?"
To be of any use, the latest time to send me a clip would be around mid-August 2012.
Thank you in advance for your help!
- levik