I like to draw. Well, I guess "doodle" is a better word for it. My standard subject matter is fantasy creatures and characters. Anyway, here are some of my pictures...

If you want to see more of my pictures, or more pictures on the subject, you would be well advised to check out my Elfwood gallery. Their Lothlorien galleries have an awesome collection of amature fantasy art.

Also I have put up a page of my old ANSi art so if you are interested you can go check it out.

And, Gimli, son of Gloin.

I recently found an awesome website, http://tiles.ice.org, which is a collaborative art site. In a nutshell, people participate by creating large pieces of art called quilts, because they are made up of many independent squares called tiles.

I've been contributing some tiles to the site lately, and here are some of them:

An ogre (?) looking at a lab A guy filling a pool from a straw by the bridge (!?)

Man, that was quite a session... still fugly though 3 flat hill ranges and a brick stove.

All this drawing payed off when I got the invitation to participate in the top level quilt. I don't have much time to draw as I used to, so I was only able to create one tile for it:

An incredible machine being repaired
Click a tile to see it in context on the quilt.
©2000 - 2002 by me